
Am I dumb for declining a second interview because of this?

First of all I fucking hate working and I wish I could go on with my life without ever having a job again. I just hate every single aspect of having a job especially the power dynamics. That said, I had an initial video interview last week for an administrative assistant position at a children's extracurricular center. The woman interviewing me is currently in that position and although she was extremely sweet, she said a couple of things that kinda rubbed me the wrong way. At one point she was talking about the lead instructor/owner or whatever, who's a male, and said “Mr. ___ has a lot of ladies working for him that will bend over backwards for him and make sure the place is running smoothly!” and then she panicked and was like “OMG I didn't mean for that to sound misogynistic at all!!!” So that was a red…

First of all I fucking hate working and I wish I could go on with my life without ever having a job again. I just hate every single aspect of having a job especially the power dynamics.

That said, I had an initial video interview last week for an administrative assistant position at a children's extracurricular center. The woman interviewing me is currently in that position and although she was extremely sweet, she said a couple of things that kinda rubbed me the wrong way. At one point she was talking about the lead instructor/owner or whatever, who's a male, and said “Mr. ___ has a lot of ladies working for him that will bend over backwards for him and make sure the place is running smoothly!” and then she panicked and was like “OMG I didn't mean for that to sound misogynistic at all!!!” So that was a red flag for me because I already don't like the idea of some dude having all these women at his beck and call, for MINIMUM WAGE might I add. Anyway the interviewer honestly didn't even ask me any questions about myself and told me she'd reach out the following week for a second in-person interview with this lead instructor guy.

So she emails me today at 2pm, inviting me for a second interview for TOMORROW at 9am! And follows with “if you still want this position let me know by 6pm TODAY otherwise I'll schedule someone else for your interview slot.” Girl what??? Is it just me or is that a really short notice??? And what really got me was the beginning of the email where she said “Mr. ___ requires the UTMOST professionalism. For example, responding with 'yes sir' 'no sir' etc. will get you a LONG WAY!!!” ????????¿¿¿

Yeah I just have no words anymore. I wonder if I'm crazy for considering these things “red flags” but as a woman I've been sexually harassed in the workplace before and honestly I don't see myself working for someone who in fact DOES seem misogynistic right off the bat without even meeting him. And I'm not in the fucking military calling someone “sir” after everything and displaying “the utmost professionalism” when I probably won't even get the same respect back.

Anyway, I declined the interview and lied and said that I accepted another job offer. I know it seems stupid especially bc I'm kinda desperate for a “real” job that I can go to every day and have a solid routine. But tbh I think I'd rather just keep doing Ubereats deliveries for now. Sigh. Did I make the wrong decision?

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