
Quitted my job after 3 years of no salary increase

Working as an IT engineer for a MSP in the Netherlands. My manager hired me from the Servicedesk, promising pay increases, certifications and interesting projects. Before that I trained my successors, they got a pay increase because they received more duties, thus earning €200/mo more than I did before they took my place. Complained to my manager, got a response that it was “not comparable”, but the ex-intern who got hired and received only €12 per month less than I did (before taxes), while still being a servicedesk colleague. Got the old ‘work hard, earn better’ from older coworkers, some nearing retirement, and basically just did that. Work didn’t stop at 5pm, because I needed to learn for exams end certifications. Which had to be done in your own time. In the meantime, a coworker got hired for a specific client as logistics IT support (driving around, re-install laptops and…

Working as an IT engineer for a MSP in the Netherlands. My manager hired me from the Servicedesk, promising pay increases, certifications and interesting projects. Before that I trained my successors, they got a pay increase because they received more duties, thus earning €200/mo more than I did before they took my place.
Complained to my manager, got a response that it was “not comparable”, but the ex-intern who got hired and received only €12 per month less than I did (before taxes), while still being a servicedesk colleague.

Got the old ‘work hard, earn better’ from older coworkers, some nearing retirement, and basically just did that. Work didn’t stop at 5pm, because I needed to learn for exams end certifications. Which had to be done in your own time. In the meantime, a coworker got hired for a specific client as logistics IT support (driving around, re-install laptops and deliver computer-related products locations ordered from HQ). Started also with a salary of +€300. New meeting with manager, same old “not comparable”.

2 years later, coworker at that client got removed from the client location, customer wasn’t happy about his performance. I got placed there with the promise it was from 1-2 till 30-6, no exceptions, no extentions etc.
Then came another meeting half may, I would stay longer at this client. I said that there was no way I would have agreed upon going there if they told me before it would even take 1 month more than I originally accepted to.

Around that time the coworker told he was moving to another job. Another coworker who promoted at the same time as I did, got a €300 raise for received certifications, and another €400 raise because he would need to take over his work. At the same time I got the same certifications, still no raise. Manager told me I would receive “something” for being stationed at this client. Asked if it was €1000 to get by, and because I got a few certifications more already than my other coworker. Not possible. Not even just €700 to get an equal pay.

Now a new coworker is starting, the one I trained to take over my previous position. Currently he earns about €400 more than I do at the moment. Asked for another meeting with my manager. Offered my letter of resignation. For some reasons, between 1-2 and 23-8 they were unable to find a more permanent replacement for my position. Now they have a 2 months notice, and I take 1 month in days off. Suddenly there are multiple options available to fill that position.

And now I am looking for a new job, because I hadn’t something lined up. I just had to get away there.
Lucky for me, enough employers looking for IT personnel.

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