
Useless managers at work

So I used to work at a pharmacy store until a month ago which also sold general everyday stuff as well as make up and beauty products (I won’t name it as I don’t know if that’s against the rules but it’s quite famous). I worked in the pharmacy but since I’ve worked there for a couple of years, I also did the cashing up and general maintenance work, which I didn’t necessarily mind as the managers were super nice. During the covid period, sadly the majority of them either left or were made redundant and they were replaced with new, inexperienced managers. One of them sadly became my line manager. From the very beginning, she started picking on me, belittling me and occasionally yelling at me in front of customers, to a point where I broke down and a customer actually stood up for me. This new manager changed…

So I used to work at a pharmacy store until a month ago which also sold general everyday stuff as well as make up and beauty products (I won’t name it as I don’t know if that’s against the rules but it’s quite famous). I worked in the pharmacy but since I’ve worked there for a couple of years, I also did the cashing up and general maintenance work, which I didn’t necessarily mind as the managers were super nice.

During the covid period, sadly the majority of them either left or were made redundant and they were replaced with new, inexperienced managers. One of them sadly became my line manager. From the very beginning, she started picking on me, belittling me and occasionally yelling at me in front of customers, to a point where I broke down and a customer actually stood up for me.

This new manager changed the way we worked, ruining the efficiency and speed at which we did our jobs. One day I went to the general manager to file a grievance but since they were best friends, she told me that it wouldn’t be considered a grievance because it’s the first time I had told her. She also defended my line manager, saying that she’s overworked and under stress and that’s why she snapped.

I carried on working there because I had to finish my pharmacy degree. During that period I had to constantly tolerate any abuse and inconvenience from her. Since I did cashing up, I had to pack up the CD keys (Controlled Drugs, which are very expensive) and put them in the safe at the end of the day. In the mornings, these were to be delivered straight to the pharmacist and no one else.

Several times one of the regular pharmacy staff members would come and take these keys without my permission and go into the room without the presence of a pharmacist, which she’s not allowed to do. When I confronted her about this, she said the line manager gave her permission. Obviously, since I am responsible for the keys, I told the line manager and once again got yelled at because “as a manager, she has the authority to give the keys to whoever she pleases”, which she doesn’t. Even a pharmacist can’t give the keys to anyone to be in the room alone unless it’s another pharmacist. I had had enough at that point and handed in my transfer, telling my line manager that what she was doing was illegal.

I’m now in a different branch and it’s so much nicer, but I’ve heard since I left a month ago, 4 more people have quit and the ones that have stayed are going through hell with the line manager. I just wanted to know if there was anything I can do about this, it sickens me when people abuse their power on regular, hardworking people just earning their living.

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