
“Quiet Quitting” is a Really Emotional Detachment from your Job

Quiet quitting has recently been defined as doing your job and no more. If this was the actual definition of a Quiet Quitter, then term wouldn't have such a negative connotation. The real reason the term is “bad” is because Quiet Quitting is really about emotional detachment from your job. Someone who is emotionally detached from their jobs don't really care about the vision or goals of the company. They don't even care about their own reputation within the company because the feeling of shame isn't there. Quiet Quitting is when your identity is completely separate from your profession. The job is simply a vehicle to pay the bills. CEOs and the Government prefer employees who are passionate about their jobs and when you have emotionally detached workers, companies (and society overall) see this as a net negative. How did a bunch of people become emotionally detached from their jobs?…

Quiet quitting has recently been defined as doing your job and no more. If this was the actual definition of a Quiet Quitter, then term wouldn't have such a negative connotation. The real reason the term is “bad” is because Quiet Quitting is really about emotional detachment from your job. Someone who is emotionally detached from their jobs don't really care about the vision or goals of the company. They don't even care about their own reputation within the company because the feeling of shame isn't there. Quiet Quitting is when your identity is completely separate from your profession. The job is simply a vehicle to pay the bills. CEOs and the Government prefer employees who are passionate about their jobs and when you have emotionally detached workers, companies (and society overall) see this as a net negative.

How did a bunch of people become emotionally detached from their jobs? Simple: Collective Trauma.

We've been through A LOT these past few years. A few notable events include almost going to war against Iran (bet you forgot about that one huh), social unrest, a pandemic, second wave of a pandemic, third wave of a pandemic, an attempted coup of the US Government, War in Ukraine, etc. All of these events were so significant by historical standards that they have affected all of us in some way…mostly negative. Personally, I lost a great relationship during this time period 🙁 Some people lost their jobs, homes, and even family/friends. These losses caused psychological wounds that we are trying to heal from. We can't heal psychologically if we allow the stress from our jobs hinder the healing process it. And what is the best way to not let work stress get to you? You emotionally detach from work it. You Quiet Quit and survive.

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