
Quiet Quitting does not have a salary/wage cap!

A lot of posts around Quiet Quitting, Acting My Wage, or Work to Rule and something needs to be said… it does not matter how much you are paid, it's the principal behind the movement. Plenty of posts are around minimum/low paid jobs, being over worked, and not treated with respect. A lot of comments are: well then get a better job, or learn a trade, or get a degree… The ignorance in those comments is so friggen strong it's insane. What does not get mentioned as often as it needs to, is this does not change as your salary grows. Wife and I have well paid jobs and we are joining the movement. Just because we are paid more doesn't mean we have to work outside of the description of our jobs, it does not mean we have less room to complain, and the “get a better job” argument…

A lot of posts around Quiet Quitting, Acting My Wage, or Work to Rule and something needs to be said… it does not matter how much you are paid, it's the principal behind the movement.

Plenty of posts are around minimum/low paid jobs, being over worked, and not treated with respect. A lot of comments are: well then get a better job, or learn a trade, or get a degree… The ignorance in those comments is so friggen strong it's insane.

What does not get mentioned as often as it needs to, is this does not change as your salary grows.

Wife and I have well paid jobs and we are joining the movement. Just because we are paid more doesn't mean we have to work outside of the description of our jobs, it does not mean we have less room to complain, and the “get a better job” argument goes out the window. Doing more work than your job description/salary/wage accounts for and not being compensated is the problem, not the level of the job.

This movement is also about self worth, respect, and proving to the US that the old ways of “work your tail off and it will eventually pay off” is dead.

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