
After 3 years with my workplace I was denied my first and only request for 1 day of annual leave

So I was recently denied my first request I’ve ever made for annual leave at a place where I’ve been 3 years and routinely put in overtime hours(almost 50+ above my base pay per year at a 40 hour/week job) and now I’m to the point where I want to leave but still exploit them if possible. My idea is- I have never had covid and I want to use a “sickness” to cover the hours I get for that which is 80+ and those 80+ hours would get me all the way to the end of contract I signed for the year(at which point I could leave forever). Does anyone have any good ideas of going about obtaining a document that seems official that you had Covid even if you did not so that i could obtain paid time off before the end of my contract?

So I was recently denied my first request I’ve ever made for annual leave at a place where I’ve been 3 years and routinely put in overtime hours(almost 50+ above my base pay per year at a 40 hour/week job) and now I’m to the point where I want to leave but still exploit them if possible.

My idea is- I have never had covid and I want to use a “sickness” to cover the hours I get for that which is 80+ and those 80+ hours would get me all the way to the end of contract I signed for the year(at which point I could leave forever). Does anyone have any good ideas of going about obtaining a document that seems official that you had Covid even if you did not so that i could obtain paid time off before the end of my contract?

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