
Boss says I’m not allowed any time off all next year because I’m going on a two week vacation she’s known about for months.

Hi y’all I’m just venting about my boss and wanted to know any info on this in the state of FL. I’m leaving for a two week vacation out of the country soon. I let my boss know at least 4 months in advance that I’m taking this vacation. When I first brought it up, she got all upset and told me I’m only ever allowed one week UNPAID vacation a year that can only be taken in the summer. I had no idea I was only allowed one week off a year until I told her about my travel plans. I said fine whatever. She accepted the time off and re stated her “policy” on vacation time. Now that my trip is coming up I reminded her again and asked if she needs anything from me before I go. Then she hits me with “ because you’re taking two…

Hi y’all I’m just venting about my boss and wanted to know any info on this in the state of FL. I’m leaving for a two week vacation out of the country soon. I let my boss know at least 4 months in advance that I’m taking this vacation. When I first brought it up, she got all upset and told me I’m only ever allowed one week UNPAID vacation a year that can only be taken in the summer. I had no idea I was only allowed one week off a year until I told her about my travel plans. I said fine whatever. She accepted the time off and re stated her “policy” on vacation time. Now that my trip is coming up I reminded her again and asked if she needs anything from me before I go. Then she hits me with “ because you’re taking two weeks off this year you aren’t allowed ANY time off at all next year” i didn’t even know what to say to that. I’m not a confrontational person so I didn’t argue with her. Is this even legal? This is unpaid personal time off. She literally said the reason why is because she would be losing too much money if I took off one week for myself. I WORK 60 HOURS A WEEK. I’ve never called out even when I was dealing with food poisoning because she would’ve just scheduled me on my day off anyways. I am not late and our clients love me. I was even made employee of the month. Most of the people in our company work 3-4 days a week while I work 5. That’s nearly 50 more days of work than everyone else. I just think is so unrealistic to expect me to never take a day off 365 days a year. When she first explained her policy to me she said “idk if you’ve ever had a real job before” BITCH. next year when I tell her I’m going on vacation,if she fires me, I will start my own business. I’m sick of working for selfish people.

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