
Can someone explain why so many jobs are on a hiring freeze?

I keep hearing businesses and conservatives screaming no one wants to work anymore. I am trying to reenter the workforce so I can earn a little bit until I can move. You'd think this would mean that employers would love to have people apply to their company. After all aren't they supposed to have worker shortages and people quitting left and right. Why are so many companies I have applied though are under a hiring freeze and refusing to take new people? Like I can't even access their application after filling out my information without a message telling me they aren't hiring. Why even post the job online in the first place? They are just wasting my time and everyone else's.

I keep hearing businesses and conservatives screaming no one wants to work anymore. I am trying to reenter the workforce so I can earn a little bit until I can move. You'd think this would mean that employers would love to have people apply to their company. After all aren't they supposed to have worker shortages and people quitting left and right. Why are so many companies I have applied though are under a hiring freeze and refusing to take new people? Like I can't even access their application after filling out my information without a message telling me they aren't hiring. Why even post the job online in the first place? They are just wasting my time and everyone else's.

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