
Genuinely Curious I’ll Go First

What do you hate most about your current job? What is your current job? How much do you make and what would you rate your happiness in life from 0-100? If you could do anything else instead, work or passion wise, what would it be and why? Anything else you want to vent about. I'll start it off: I hate the work atmosphere. It's depressing and repetitive. My supervisor is a prick with short man syndrome. Every single thing you do is micromanaged, and you're constantly being spoken down to. I work at a troubleshooting call center. (Won't reveal anything too personal) I make $20hr full-time and mandatory OT. My happiness is about 20. If it wasn't for the occasional nice customer or funny inside joke it'd be a 0. Yes, I'm currently making the most money I ever have, but it's coming at the cost of my free time,…

What do you hate most about your current job?
What is your current job?
How much do you make and what would you rate your happiness in life from 0-100?
If you could do anything else instead, work or passion wise, what would it be and why?
Anything else you want to vent about.

I'll start it off:
I hate the work atmosphere. It's depressing and repetitive.
My supervisor is a prick with short man syndrome. Every single thing you do is micromanaged, and you're constantly being spoken down to.

I work at a troubleshooting call center. (Won't reveal anything too personal)

I make $20hr full-time and mandatory OT. My happiness is about 20. If it wasn't for the occasional nice customer or funny inside joke it'd be a 0.

Yes, I'm currently making the most money I ever have, but it's coming at the cost of my free time, happiness, physical health, and especially my mental health. I can't even enjoy my money, because we just have bills upon bills to pay. We try desperately to live within or below our means, but yet it's never good enough. I cry every single day that I drive to work. I am so irritable and tired all the time now.

I have absolutely no passion for anything anymore. It's so hard to find time to do anything I enjoy. I can't spend time with my family, friends or even my own fiance that I live with.

If I could do anything else it would be along the lines of content creation, philanthropy and acting.
All 3 of those things bring me so much joy, yet I have nothing to show for it. I have no conceivable way of achieving that happiness for myself atm.

I've been trying just so hard lately to find my way. I've been trying so hard to bring myself to clock in and sit through my 9½hr shifts lately, but I'm exhausted. I'm tired. I have even considered suicide. My fiance and I, when we actually see each other, constantly sit and talk about how much everything sucks and how hard life is. We know and are so self aware of the hell we find ourselves in mentally and emotionally, yet we have no escape. One missed paycheck or bad day and we're homeless or completely broke. We don't even have the free time or energy anymore to look elsewhere for employment. When we do, it's just shitty pay at just as shitty places that don't ever even call us back despite desperately advertising they're hiring immediately.
It's all just getting to be too much.

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