
Is the Great Resignation still happening?

Sure, on a small scale it is… but how big is the scale? As big as it was last year? I mean I want to see the entire retail industry flipped over with unions, FULL HEALTHCARE BENEFITS for clerk positions at mega chains, and more I want certain stores (Dollar General and other small box Hellholes) go extinct. So, is it still on? Are people still quitting in mass? or is it like not as big a thing now?

Sure, on a small scale it is… but how big is the scale? As big as it was last year? I mean I want to see the entire retail industry flipped over with unions, FULL HEALTHCARE BENEFITS for clerk positions at mega chains, and more I want certain stores (Dollar General and other small box Hellholes) go extinct.

So, is it still on? Are people still quitting in mass? or is it like not as big a thing now?

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