
I’ve Been Overscheduled

I agreed with my boss months ago that I'd work three days a week to keep from calling out excessively, since I do have a problem with that, and for the past month I've been scheduled four days a week. I assumed it was because we are busy, but it really doesn't seem like we're any busier than normal. This week I was scheduled five days, my call outs haven't been getting better due to my stress, both from work and life, lots of super stressful events going on. I'm trying to tell them I can't come in today but they aren't making this easy and I'm worried I'm going to be fired for this. I agreed with my fiance if I get fired for my call outs I'm going on unemployment for a while, so I can have some time to sort out my mental health. It just feels…

I agreed with my boss months ago that I'd work three days a week to keep from calling out excessively, since I do have a problem with that, and for the past month I've been scheduled four days a week. I assumed it was because we are busy, but it really doesn't seem like we're any busier than normal. This week I was scheduled five days, my call outs haven't been getting better due to my stress, both from work and life, lots of super stressful events going on. I'm trying to tell them I can't come in today but they aren't making this easy and I'm worried I'm going to be fired for this.

I agreed with my fiance if I get fired for my call outs I'm going on unemployment for a while, so I can have some time to sort out my mental health. It just feels so unfair, I'm very easily stressed out and overwhelmed and had an agreement for three days a week, having five days (four in a row) is so intimidating and I physically and emotionally just can't keep up with that much work. I love my job but it's just so stressful and honestly hard on my weak knees, I don't know what to do.

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