
Is it worth filing with EEOC?

Threatening violence in the workplace by higher ups. Phoenix Arizona. So you're standing in line at lunch to pay for your food at work. And the department lead slips in front of you in the line, and you ask him if that's how he's really going to do things. Apparently his friend is in front of me allowing her other two friends to be further back in line grabbing food and then run up to her to get in front of everyone to pay. Kind of shady but I don't really care. As he's explaining this the third person starts running their mouth. Third person starts talking about beating me up wanting to punch me to shut me up giving me a matching missing tooth (I have a missing tooth from a bike accident) can this be viewed as mild physical discrimination regarding the tooth seeing as it was turned…

Threatening violence in the workplace by higher ups. Phoenix Arizona.

So you're standing in line at lunch to pay for your food at work. And the department lead slips in front of you in the line, and you ask him if that's how he's really going to do things. Apparently his friend is in front of me allowing her other two friends to be further back in line grabbing food and then run up to her to get in front of everyone to pay. Kind of shady but I don't really care. As he's explaining this the third person starts running their mouth. Third person starts talking about beating me up wanting to punch me to shut me up giving me a matching missing tooth (I have a missing tooth from a bike accident) can this be viewed as mild physical discrimination regarding the tooth seeing as it was turned in to something to discriminate against me for and to play off further threats of violence?
While the third person is running her mouth, the department lead that had slipped in front of me is also saying that I need to shut the F before I get knocked out, before I get beat up, and before I get punched.
I told the third person that I wasn't really talking to her to begin with and I was trying to ignore her and then the girl that was in front of me to begin with starts telling the other two to go outside while she's also telling me to be quiet before they beat my ass that she's the one keeping them from beating my ass and that I should shut up. And I simply asked when everyone starts to leave where's everyone going I thought I was going to get beat up?
Here's where it starts to get interesting on the HR end.
I go to report this to HR and HR takes my story and simply says that if I don't hear anything then not to worry about it. I didn't come here and report it to HR not hear anything this is not what I wanted. But during the middle of my private closed door interview with HR one of these three people's friends who is actually a higher up manager comes through the doorway in the closed door meeting telling HR that they need to come take a report from these other people who happen to be the people from my incident who are our trying to report a counter story to HR saying that I was the aggressor. Which I think is a retaliatory report. I go back to work while they do their report only to hear from a friend that I was filing my report they were overheard talking about wanting to beat me up and find me outside of work. Lol
Then when everyone finally returns to the production work for I see this lead running around from manager to manager pointing at me and telling them stuff and then about 30 minutes later I get pulled from my normal duties and put in an area that I don't normally work under a manager that happens to be there friend. This feels sketchy so I take the rest day off. It's been a week since and every day I've been at work there's a manager trying to make life a little difficult in one way and or another or trying to get a disciplinary point put on me and then I have to go find a different manager to have it removed and explain.

Good portions of this were captured on audio video recordings. Yes our company had to sign releases for audio upon employment.

Do I have good grounds to file with the EEOC? Or is there someone else I should be filing with what next steps should I be taking?
And is this worth any money to me?

Any advice on what I should be doing or how this may play out would be greatly appreciated.

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