
I wish I had been born in the future, when work becomes obsolete

I use to be absolutely contempt with life as a kid/teen/young adult with just binge watching shows and playing my video games. But as I've gotten older those things don't bring me the same level of enjoyment as they once did.. Now it may be because I've just gotten older and so just naturally lost my sense of contempt with staying at home doing my solitary activities. But you know what definitely has impacted my happiness to no end? That's right, a motherf*cking job man…. The never ending cycle of being forced to toil away at some company just to avoid becoming destitute by poverty. Always being on edge trying to not step on any eggs, hoping that no unforseen circumstances lead to the lossing of my job and income. Being forced to do the same thing over and over again. Day in and day out, numb to life and…

I use to be absolutely contempt with life as a kid/teen/young adult with just binge watching shows and playing my video games. But as I've gotten older those things don't bring me the same level of enjoyment as they once did..

Now it may be because I've just gotten older and so just naturally lost my sense of contempt with staying at home doing my solitary activities. But you know what definitely has impacted my happiness to no end?

That's right, a motherf*cking job man…. The never ending cycle of being forced to toil away at some company just to avoid becoming destitute by poverty. Always being on edge trying to not step on any eggs, hoping that no unforseen circumstances lead to the lossing of my job and income.

Being forced to do the same thing over and over again. Day in and day out, numb to life and only focused on the burdens of responsibility for being a broke Working class grunt for the rich. This is no fucking way to live, out society sucks.

A thousand years from know when humanity finally has evolved far enough to allow for things like universal basic income, robotic worker's, self sustaining energies that allow that societies citizen to live truly free lives however they wish to spend their free time.

They'll look back at our primitive time and wonder how anyone ever managed to go on with this madness we call a capitalistic society. I was born a couple hundred to a thousand years too early. I'd give anything to have been able to live in the future where we will undoubtedly have an exponentially better world brought about by advanced technology. Sadly I'm stuck in these primitive times of the 21st century… life sucks.

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