
Seeking advice/wanting to vent

Trying to make a very long story short. I (31 M) work in higher ed. I’m lucky to be protected by a union. I have worked in higher ed since I was 19 in various roles, and am now in an admin role in a college district after working at a university for ~5 years. I want to stay in my college district for the rest of my career in this field. I have been there just shy of 6 months. I am the longest standing full time employee under my supervisor and I do a lot of work that isn’t in my job description. I work hard and do all the tasks expected of me and then some. My supervisor seems to dislike/distrust me in spite of all that I do. I have pretty well founded suspicions as to why this is which I won’t get into here for…

Trying to make a very long story short.

I (31 M) work in higher ed. I’m lucky to be protected by a union. I have worked in higher ed since I was 19 in various roles, and am now in an admin role in a college district after working at a university for ~5 years. I want to stay in my college district for the rest of my career in this field. I have been there just shy of 6 months. I am the longest standing full time employee under my supervisor and I do a lot of work that isn’t in my job description. I work hard and do all the tasks expected of me and then some.

My supervisor seems to dislike/distrust me in spite of all that I do. I have pretty well founded suspicions as to why this is which I won’t get into here for length sake. Let’s just say she seems threatened by me and wants to prohibit my growth in any way she can. Back in July, I even wrote a letter about my issues with our working relationship and then decided to apply for other jobs in our district. I had hoped that I would find something else and “quietly quit” lol.

Her attitude towards me came to a head when she doubled my six month probationary period on Thursday at my performance review. Her reasoning? One unscheduled absence in July and a period of coming in late in May due to public transit issues that I corrected. I was cordial and took accountability even though I felt I was being unfairly disciplined. She said that I otherwise go above and beyond in my job and she had no complaints about the quality of my work.

I decided to document all of my grievances and sent them to her boss (who also happened to hire me), HR, and the union. The document was 3 pages long and I tried to just list what was factual and not conjecture/my feelings. My goal was to have that probationary period decision reversed. I did this on Friday after work so I have yet to hear back from anyone.

As luck would have it, as I was putting together my letter, I received a job interview for this week for another role in our district that I really want. I’m overwhelmed and torn. I don’t know how to go about going to the interview and requesting time/the day off for it when her perception is that I take too much time off at the last minute. I also want to be honest with my supervisor’s boss about wanting to seek a different role due to the toxic environment but I feel like that might come off inappropriately. I also may be opening up a whole can of worms involving HR and the union and am scared of my supervisor creating even more hostility.

I just am so exhausted and anxious.

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