
I’m terrified of going to work today

I'm in an apprenticeship, and my boss left me to hold the shop for a week by myself. This is super illegal and if a work inspector comes, the whole thing is shutting down. Personally, I don't mind. I'd actually rather have it so that she's never there. The shop runs great when I'm by myself. It's chill, there's no pressure to do anything. When there's no work, there's no work, I'm not being forced to do stupid, useless work to justify my time like calling old customers from 5+ years ago. My boss is a nice lady, but she's hysterical. She'll flip out and moan and make a whole scene out of a minor inconvenience. One time she hurt a finger while I was in a sale, and in front of the customers she started making a scene like she was hemorrhaging, even though she just pinched her fingertip…

I'm in an apprenticeship, and my boss left me to hold the shop for a week by myself. This is super illegal and if a work inspector comes, the whole thing is shutting down. Personally, I don't mind. I'd actually rather have it so that she's never there.

The shop runs great when I'm by myself. It's chill, there's no pressure to do anything. When there's no work, there's no work, I'm not being forced to do stupid, useless work to justify my time like calling old customers from 5+ years ago.

My boss is a nice lady, but she's hysterical. She'll flip out and moan and make a whole scene out of a minor inconvenience. One time she hurt a finger while I was in a sale, and in front of the customers she started making a scene like she was hemorrhaging, even though she just pinched her fingertip in a door. I was so embarrassed.

She busts my balls when I do things in a way that's right, but not the way she does it. And It's not like teaching moments where I'm doing something that I could do better. It's more like “don't copy and paste this customer's info, write it yourself” kinda thing. She sometimes shuts down ideas that would make work smoother and more efficient because she doesn't like them.

And it causes me so much anxiety. I'm about to get ambushed for one week's worth of job well done, but arbitrarily judged not good enough. I had a panic attack yesterday night and I've been thinking of hurting myself and make it look like and accident to end up in a hospital instead.

I hate my life. Work eats 11 hours of my day, 5 times a week and I don't even make 1k as an apprentice. I feel worthless. I wish I didn't have to go to work ever.

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