
How to Start a Strike.

1.We should begin by having regular meetings of our locals for the membership to set strike policy, including where the organized picketing at rail property locations is going to be. Elect picket leaders for each site, and set a tone of discipline — no alcohol, drugs, or weapons on the picket line or in the union strike hall. Start now to reach out for allies, fellow union members in our area, working farmers, students, family and friends. Set up to inform union members daily of strike progress, to answer lies peddled by the bosses, including the boss’s media, and organize volunteers for food preparation and distribution. We need to educate, organize and mobilize.

1.We should begin by having regular meetings of our locals for the membership to set strike policy, including where the organized picketing at rail property locations is going to be.

  1. Elect picket leaders for each site, and set a tone of discipline — no alcohol, drugs, or weapons on the picket line or in the union strike hall.

  2. Start now to reach out for allies, fellow union members in our area, working farmers, students, family and friends.

  3. Set up to inform union members daily of strike progress, to answer lies peddled by the bosses, including the boss’s media, and organize volunteers for food preparation and distribution.

We need to educate, organize and mobilize.

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