
The Company I worked for lied about Pay and made me Homeless

For Context: It was a Non-Profit. Should’ve known… Job Title: Marketing Manager. When I received the offer, they told me my salary would be 40,000/year. I accepted because I knew there was room for growth, I needed a job bad and I was banking on them giving me space to negotiate pay after 90 days. Plus, it’s a non profit so you can only get paid based on their allocated budget for pay. Originally, they told me I was a non-exempt employee (meaning I was salaried). I took this seriously of course, and didn’t work over 5p, as they didn’t offer OT or any stipend for staying late/coming early. A few weeks went by and the Finance admin pulled me in her office and explained to me that she made a mistake and I was actually an “hourly employee”. This changed things for me because I was already struggling and…

For Context: It was a Non-Profit. Should’ve known…
Job Title: Marketing Manager.

When I received the offer, they told me my salary would be 40,000/year. I accepted because I knew there was room for growth, I needed a job bad and I was banking on them giving me space to negotiate pay after 90 days. Plus, it’s a non profit so you can only get paid based on their allocated budget for pay.

Originally, they told me I was a non-exempt employee (meaning I was salaried). I took this seriously of course, and didn’t work over 5p, as they didn’t offer OT or any stipend for staying late/coming early.

A few weeks went by and the Finance admin pulled me in her office and explained to me that she made a mistake and I was actually an “hourly employee”.
This changed things for me because I was already struggling and looking to get as much money as I could to get into a better place that doesn’t have roaches and drug dealers. Plus, I was still under the impression that my pay would still be a 40k salary. On top of that, they were requiring me attend events on the weekend, so I was just trying to be a good employee but also hoping for that extra pay.

Yes y’all can call me naive ( >.< )/ I’m new to this sh** and I’m just looking to get my footing.

Anyways, When I got my first check, it was extremely low. Like… nowhere near what I was expected to be paid. I noticed that The pay rate was also set at $13.53/hour, which was confusing.
Looking back at it.. I probably should have brought it up, but honestly— there was only 1 HR admin and she was literally the Finance admin. Not many people to address the issue to and no hierarchy. To make things difficult, they were all friends for the last 10 years so it could’ve totally backfired on me.

I waited a few pay weeks to monitor, and the pay rate changed multiple times. Once to $15.45 and then the next pay period to $16.89.

I eventually brought this up and they “clarified” that I was getting paid $17/hour (which isn’t even the 40,000k that was offered, it’s actually only $38,500k)— to put the cherry on top, the Finance admin backtracked and said I was actually a Salary employee [again]. This ended up screwing things for me down the line and also I had worked OT the week before (like 90 hours) and she legit changed it so that I wouldn’t receive the extra pay for the extra labor. Straight BS. I was only bringing in enough to pay my car payment and my bills, but nowhere near enough to afford Shelter in this economy. The city I lived in was rough housing wise too— Studio apt for $1500

Also to clarify, I’m blessed to have even been making $17/hr (as I know a lot of people struggle these days), I was more offended by the info being in writing but not being upheld and nobody holding themselves accountable.

Hilariously enough, I worked for a f***ng Animal Shelter, but god forbid their own is homeless too..

I became homeless. Couldn’t make ends meet.

I ended up moving a whole city away and because of this, I couldn’t uphold the 1hr30min drive to work— so I quit on them before their biggest fundraiser of the year and their 70th anniversary celebration. (Well deserved I think)

Moral of the Story: Corporations SUCKKKKKKK.
As someone who is very shy and tends to choose kindness over battle, Do NOT let these companies and it’s people take advantage of you. Stay educated about job requirements, stay on top of your interviewers and ask questions about pay, etc. At the end of the day, the companies are vultures and they will take whatever they can get— especially when you’re young and new to the field.

Just be mindful and hold yourself to the highest esteem. YOU ARE the Hot Commodity. Companies NEED YOU!

Thanks for reading~

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