
Help requested, change the narrative to Management Skill Failure driving return to office

This sub is doing an excellent effort on pushing Act Your Wage vs Quiet Quitting. Many of the newer news stories do include the viewpoint that workers are being asked to do more and more, without any more compensation. Unfortunately, the news stories on return to office still focus on missing culture, and not management failure. Specifically, Management by wandering around is a valid management technique, which can't easily be done to remote employee's. Can this sub help by pushing/sharing this thought with RTO writers, so they include in their work stories that it's a some-managers problem who only know how to manage by wandering around.

This sub is doing an excellent effort on pushing Act Your Wage vs Quiet Quitting. Many of the newer news stories do include the viewpoint that workers are being asked to do more and more, without any more compensation.

Unfortunately, the news stories on return to office still focus on missing culture, and not management failure. Specifically, Management by wandering around is a valid management technique, which can't easily be done to remote employee's.

Can this sub help by pushing/sharing this thought with RTO writers, so they include in their work stories that it's a some-managers problem who only know how to manage by wandering around.

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