
Today I royally screw over my company and I feel so happy

I’m not going to go into any specifics because if I work for a relatively specialized and specific company. When I was hired I was hired for a positions that was more or less entry level, so as you guess the pay is entry level too. The guy in the position up from mine abruptly quit and I decided to try my shot at that position. I am qualified for it and the only reason I took the entry level gig is because with Covid it was hard to find work so I compromised a bit. I sat and watched them interview candidates and tell them exactly how much the pay was(approx 20k more than mine) eventually they gave me the position but when I asked about the pay I was told they were doing me a favour for giving me this job. For me, that’s when I lost trust…

I’m not going to go into any specifics because if I work for a relatively specialized and specific company. When I was hired I was hired for a positions that was more or less entry level, so as you guess the pay is entry level too. The guy in the position up from mine abruptly quit and I decided to try my shot at that position. I am qualified for it and the only reason I took the entry level gig is because with Covid it was hard to find work so I compromised a bit. I sat and watched them interview candidates and tell them exactly how much the pay was(approx 20k more than mine) eventually they gave me the position but when I asked about the pay I was told they were doing me a favour for giving me this job. For me, that’s when I lost trust and respect for the company

This job is seasonal and they only hire one person per position, we have 3 sets of equipment. One set is not running so that leaves me and the other guy. The other guy is also the chief so he does all the training and decision making. So when I leave that leave only him working and in order to train a replacement he has to stop working to train them.

I’m leaving for a new gig. I get to move back home to my gf and dog and it’s a 6 figure pay. I’ve never in my life made more than 35k a year so this new job is honestly life changing for me. I am so excited to leave but my current company is going to loose tens of thousands of dollars when I leave but hey man gotta do what’s best for you and your family.

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