
boyfriends new job wants him to sign a contract agreeing to pay $700 for background check if he leaves company before 1 year.

My boyfriend is about to get hired at a company that outsources delivery drivers for amazon. It seems like an okay job to me. He'll work four days a week and still get forty hour work weeks. His hourly is pretty good too. The only thing that concerns me is his boss told everyone in the interview that they have to pay $700 for the background check, amazon training, and the drug test if they did not for him for a year. He did not specify if it was a verbal agreement or will be in a written contract. Is this like red flag city or am I just paranoid? We have a kid otw and we really don't have room to lose any money.

My boyfriend is about to get hired at a company that outsources delivery drivers for amazon. It seems like an okay job to me. He'll work four days a week and still get forty hour work weeks. His hourly is pretty good too. The only thing that concerns me is his boss told everyone in the interview that they have to pay $700 for the background check, amazon training, and the drug test if they did not for him for a year. He did not specify if it was a verbal agreement or will be in a written contract. Is this like red flag city or am I just paranoid? We have a kid otw and we really don't have room to lose any money.

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