
The hostile behavior of this Art Director

Hello good people! So I've been working at this place for almost half an year now. Since the start, I've observed a lot of discrimination among employees from this Art Director they hired 3 months before me. She's an art director but considers herself someone from the Board of Directors of this company. Loves micromanaging her workers, favors people who are absolute ass kissers (not that good at work but are glib-tongued.) She promoted this guy as our team leader. Mind you, He's not even an efficient person, can't get along well with people, doesn't have refined manners, sits in her office all day & when boss comes around, he comes out & starts pressurizing the team for getting extra work done. When you tell him that you need more time in getting a project completed and it can't ever be completed in the remaining 20 mins, he would stand…

Hello good people!

So I've been working at this place for almost half an year now. Since the start, I've observed a lot of discrimination among employees from this Art Director they hired 3 months before me. She's an art director but considers herself someone from the Board of Directors of this company. Loves micromanaging her workers, favors people who are absolute ass kissers (not that good at work but are glib-tongued.)

She promoted this guy as our team leader. Mind you, He's not even an efficient person, can't get along well with people, doesn't have refined manners, sits in her office all day & when boss comes around, he comes out & starts pressurizing the team for getting extra work done. When you tell him that you need more time in getting a project completed and it can't ever be completed in the remaining 20 mins, he would stand there and say, “I NEED IT NOW'. When you somehow deliver it, the next day he'd blame you for not doing things correctly in front of the CEO. Hardly gives any guidelines and mostly assigns task way too late.

Lately, CEO scolded him in front of me because I was super confused at something. Director was standing over my head and was instructing me super quick when boss came around to ask what was wrong and she didn't tell him by blaming that on me. Said,” she just didn't do a little thing so I'm telling her to fix it”. When she moved away, boss again came to me & asked me about the actual issue. I was super confused and told him. He called that team lead and scolded him badly for his inefficiency & negligence because it was his fault basically. Both the director & team lead were staring at me in disbelief.

The coming week, I kept feeling as if he had been holding grudges against me. Even started making me work overtime without me getting compensated for that. Both him & that director were covering each other's asses. Tired of their politics, I scheduled a meeting with CEO & told him everything. He knew none of it before. He apologized and said he'd make things right. I don't know what happened after that. Today when I clocked in, HR messaged me to come to chilling room. “Come to the chilling room. Now.” When I went there, the three of them were sitting there with stern faces. Director, team lead, HR. They started questioning me in a really nerve-wracking manner about what were my problems with TL. I told her. She used sentences full of taunts, said she was disappointed in me, tried to falsify all of “my problems” that I told her, didn't pay heed to my answers and asked me to leave.

I have a feeling that the 2 if not 3 of them will make my life a hell now. I just need an advice. What do I do now? The end of this month is near.. should I collect my pay & leave? Or stay over here because things are getting tidied up after that complaint to CEO. What would you've done if you were in my place? How to deal with 3 of them?

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