
New employer’s HR “doesn’t give a fuck” if employees make enough money to pay bills

Yeah so I just got a new job and I missed the orientation. I got a packet which included the training guide and policies. I found many things in their policies that raised concerns, so I sent an email addressing them. They decide to schedule a meeting between my manager, the head of operations (who is apparently their HR as well), and I. I apparently threw them off and put a sour taste in the dudes mouth because I haven't even started working there and already had a list of concerns. Most of my concerns were how ambiguous their policies were stated in this handbooks, such as “makeup must be done in good taste” “hair must be done in good taste” “up to managers discretion” I merely assumed they weren't being specific enough and only raised concerns of how such ambiguity could lead to discrimination. Which they addressed and I…

Yeah so I just got a new job and I missed the orientation. I got a packet which included the training guide and policies. I found many things in their policies that raised concerns, so I sent an email addressing them. They decide to schedule a meeting between my manager, the head of operations (who is apparently their HR as well), and I.

I apparently threw them off and put a sour taste in the dudes mouth because I haven't even started working there and already had a list of concerns. Most of my concerns were how ambiguous their policies were stated in this handbooks, such as “makeup must be done in good taste” “hair must be done in good taste” “up to managers discretion” I merely assumed they weren't being specific enough and only raised concerns of how such ambiguity could lead to discrimination. Which they addressed and I felt happy with their responses to that.

Once we got to my last concern though, is when things started getting really gross. It was about their policy stating all pay rates, pay raises, bonuses, etc. Were strictly confidential. I, again, wanted them to be very specific in what they meant by that, because that's obviously illegal.

They did not like that I was questioning that policy going into a management position, because someone who has access to payroll can't disclose others pay rates, which I understood. He admitted he can't stop other workers from discussing pay amongst themselves, but prefers they not, because “nothing ever good comes from discussing wages” “it always creates drama and animosity towards each other” and basically admitted he fired another employee for it because it was gossiping, and “no gossiping” is part of their policy. Then questioned me, why I didn't question the gossiping policy as well, because they go hand in hand. (They don't?)

He then proceeds to talk about another manager who wanted to do too much good for employees and thought everyone should get higher pay because people couldn't afford to pay their bills. (Starting pay is $11/hr. I got an assistant manager position for a whopping $14/hr. The rest of our pay is made through the generous donations of tips, which the place isn't even a traditional sit and order restaurant. It's set up like a subway. So probably less likely to be tipped for just a takeout order.)

THEN goes on to say he doesn't give a shit if people have enough to pay their bills, it's not his problem that they put themselves in a bad financial position. (What the fuck?!) Gives me his sob story of how he grew up poor, blah blah.

Just so many gross vibes. He kept talking about how much the company is “people first”, how much he cares for the employees and would do “everything he could” to make them happy. Except advocate for better pay?! While telling me the owners are multi millionaires.

He also was very adamant on the fact that he hates email, text, over the phone communication and much prefer I talk to him in person when I have questions, concerns, like in my email. It makes me feel wary because I almost always communicate over text as that's how I know there's proof and documentation of everything that occurs in a workplace. Makes me want to wear cameras and mics on me at all times.

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