
Forced unpaid time off

I work a remote job and have been locked out of my work programs for almost a week, resulting in 4 days of unpaid time off. I spent 2 hours on the phone with our outsourced tech support company who was unable to help me because they were client specific programs. My manager told me he would get the ball rolling on getting me new credentials, and in the mean time I needed to clock out for the day, which was only 30 more minutes. The next day, I clocked in and I still did not have access to any of my programs, completely unable to work. My manager told me he didn’t submit the ticket yet, and I needed to clock out and take voluntary time off (unpaid) and it would be resolved by tomorrow. Saturday morning, I go to clock in and I still do not have access,…

I work a remote job and have been locked out of my work programs for almost a week, resulting in 4 days of unpaid time off.

I spent 2 hours on the phone with our outsourced tech support company who was unable to help me because they were client specific programs. My manager told me he would get the ball rolling on getting me new credentials, and in the mean time I needed to clock out for the day, which was only 30 more minutes. The next day, I clocked in and I still did not have access to any of my programs, completely unable to work. My manager told me he didn’t submit the ticket yet, and I needed to clock out and take voluntary time off (unpaid) and it would be resolved by tomorrow. Saturday morning, I go to clock in and I still do not have access, my manager is out of office but another manager in the same department tells me that a ticket was never submitted for whatever reason, and he would do so than. It takes 48 business hours for the corporate team to respond, so clock out.

It’s now Tuesday, and I’m on my 5th day of unpaid time off because I don’t have access to any of my work programs, and it took them 2 days to even submit the ticket!

Do I have any recourse here? 5 days of unpaid time off is my rent money, and causes a lot of financial strain. Is this like, legally wage theft or something?

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