
Working while marooned on a desert island

About a dozen of us found ourselves stranded on a deserted island. We all had to work together to survive, and each of us had our dedicated tasks, for example: Alice gatherers fire wood Bob builds shelter Jeff possesses a sheet of paper that says he owns the whole island and everything on it Me and four others fish for food Using a fishing rod is hard work so I made a net to catch fish instead. It used to take a full day for the five of us to catch enough fish to feed everyone. But with the net I could catch that amount, in half a day, all on my own. With the advent of net fishing the other four fishermen weren't contributing to the group. So Jeff evicted them from their homes and stopped giving them food for their laziness. Jeff also didn't like to see me…

About a dozen of us found ourselves stranded on a deserted island.
We all had to work together to survive, and each of us had our dedicated tasks, for example:

  • Alice gatherers fire wood

  • Bob builds shelter

  • Jeff possesses a sheet of paper that says he owns the whole island and everything on it

  • Me and four others fish for food

Using a fishing rod is hard work so I made a net to catch fish instead.
It used to take a full day for the five of us to catch enough fish to feed everyone.
But with the net I could catch that amount, in half a day, all on my own.

With the advent of net fishing the other four fishermen weren't contributing to the group.
So Jeff evicted them from their homes and stopped giving them food for their laziness.

Jeff also didn't like to see me taking half days so he told me to work for a full day and catch twice as much as we need and just leave the rest in a big smelly pile to rot.
Also he said it's important that the other ex-fishermen don't get the food that we throw away.


Anyway, in the end we ate Jeff and escaped the island back to civilized society where that sort of barbarism doesn't happen.

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