
Is it normal for your boss to yell at you? Like literally scream?

My boss will yell at me and my colleagues every time something doesn't go his way or something has been completed in the wrong by our staff. When I mean yelling I mean literally raise his voice and scream at you. He will also yell if you ask basic questions or you want to clarify something with him (double checking, but he thinks you should get it in the first go). I've been working at this place for a while so I'm kind of used to the yelling, but I admit it really does drain you. We've even received complaints from customers because they've seen him “verbally abuse” his staff. I would quit but I only have a few months left of my degree until I start my full time job (which I have gotten an offer for), and have just decided to bear it til the end. I doubt…

My boss will yell at me and my colleagues every time something doesn't go his way or something has been completed in the wrong by our staff. When I mean yelling I mean literally raise his voice and scream at you. He will also yell if you ask basic questions or you want to clarify something with him (double checking, but he thinks you should get it in the first go). I've been working at this place for a while so I'm kind of used to the yelling, but I admit it really does drain you. We've even received complaints from customers because they've seen him “verbally abuse” his staff.

I would quit but I only have a few months left of my degree until I start my full time job (which I have gotten an offer for), and have just decided to bear it til the end. I doubt anywhere would hire someone for a few months tbh.

Coming on here to ask if anyone else has had this kind of boss and wonder if its something that should be reported or not.

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