
The line at UPS every night. You’d think there’s a rock concert. The kicker is it’s not even Peak so it gets worse. All of them baited by a promise to pay for their school. I don’t have kids. I don’t have much to my name. But, I would never let my kids experience shit like this while they are young. I know we all have biting opinions on the conditions of work in America. Maybe UPS has great benefits longevity prospects idk. But if I pull anywhere and I see you put my child through an arduous 1-2 hour unpaid process to get to work. Oh they not coming back. We’ll find another way. Clarification: UPS HUB Louisville This is the main gate the employees go to get screened. Then from here they have another queue to get a shuttle bus to get to their work station. If they are not fortunate to park in Lot 1 or come on Bus or Uber and have to park in Lot 2. There’s a shuttle bus they have to queue for to get to the…

I don’t have kids. I don’t have much to my name. But, I would never let my kids experience shit like this while they are young. I know we all have biting opinions on the conditions of work in America. Maybe UPS has great benefits longevity prospects idk. But if I pull anywhere and I see you put my child through an arduous 1-2 hour unpaid process to get to work. Oh they not coming back. We’ll find another way.

UPS HUB Louisville
This is the main gate the employees go to get screened. Then from here they have another queue to get a shuttle bus to get to their work station.
If they are not fortunate to park in Lot 1 or come on Bus or Uber and have to park in Lot 2. There’s a shuttle bus they have to queue for to get to the Main Gate.

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