
Does working a temp job while looking for a permanent job means I’m not focused?

I've been out of a job for about 3 months due to being let go and have been searching since. I took a part time job at a nearby vet as an assistant so I can have some income to pay some unforeseen bills. The vet job is only the weekends. I also took the job to learn how to deal with customers on the front end as well as some administrative work. I'm also learning some basics like medicines and proper animal handling as an extra part of the job. I went for job interviews for my primary position and they asked what I had been doing when I lost my job and I answered honestly that I have been searching for a job. And that in the meantime, I was working a temp job on the weekend. The mood usually instantly sours and many said I must be…

I've been out of a job for about 3 months due to being let go and have been searching since. I took a part time job at a nearby vet as an assistant so I can have some income to pay some unforeseen bills. The vet job is only the weekends. I also took the job to learn how to deal with customers on the front end as well as some administrative work. I'm also learning some basics like medicines and proper animal handling as an extra part of the job.

I went for job interviews for my primary position and they asked what I had been doing when I lost my job and I answered honestly that I have been searching for a job. And that in the meantime, I was working a temp job on the weekend. The mood usually instantly sours and many said I must be playing around with cute animals and not taking work seriously. I must not be dedicated and focused enough else I wouldn't be unemployed for 2 months. All have ghosted me since then.

Is having a temp job killing my prospective? Should I stop? I have no idea what to do.

(I am a project manager. My country seems to hate my line of work)

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