
Anyone Know About NJ ST Disability for Mental Health or Have Similar Experience?

Short story version we’ve had 9 people on the team I am also on quit in the last year, they are “working on getting more people in” and have been for the whole year. They bring in temps and then let them go for whatever reason, that doesn’t really matter. What matters is that I’m doing three peoples job (including mine in this because I guess I am a people) and I am SUCKING AT IT. I am overwhelmed, I am making mistakes, I am having constant panic attacks because of the pressure in corporate America to have absolute perfection at all times…. I’m just a regular person, how am I supposed to do all this and then go home and be a good mom and wife? My depression and anxiety scores that my mental health team use to evaluate my progress on my meds and my therapies are getting…

Short story version we’ve had 9 people on the team I am also on quit in the last year, they are “working on getting more people in” and have been for the whole year. They bring in temps and then let them go for whatever reason, that doesn’t really matter. What matters is that I’m doing three peoples job (including mine in this because I guess I am a people) and I am SUCKING AT IT. I am overwhelmed, I am making mistakes, I am having constant panic attacks because of the pressure in corporate America to have absolute perfection at all times…. I’m just a regular person, how am I supposed to do all this and then go home and be a good mom and wife?

My depression and anxiety scores that my mental health team use to evaluate my progress on my meds and my therapies are getting worse at an alarming rate. My Drs want me to either take a leave of absence from work for a little bit so I can really work on my mental health at home and with them, or check myself in somewhere.

I am the breadwinner in my home. If I don’t work there is nothing but our savings to draw from and they are so starting to dwindle. My kid is also starting school for the very first time next week, how am I supposed to miss that?

I don’t know what to do, but if anyone in NJ or knowledge of any NJ laws or resources or just any advice on how to professionally handle this I am ALL EARS.

I just need to take care of my family and I can’t do that while I am this unwell.

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