
Manager’s signature to file short-term leave/FMLA paperwork

I'm in the process of filing FMLA/short-term leave, due to mental health, which has been significantly aggravated by my work & boss. My employer itself handles the short term leave paperwork/claim — it is not done a third-party vendor — and pays at 100% for 8 weeks. My provider is filling out the medical certification, no problem there. BUT, I'm also required to fill out request for leave application myself — and I need to get my manager's signature on it, before sending it over to HR. Doesn't this defeat the purpose? I thought the whole point was I could keep it church & state — send completed paperwork to HR, and let my manager know the bare minimum, well because …he's toxic. My plan was to send all the completed paperwork to HR and then email my manager something along the lines of: “I've filed for medical leave from…

I'm in the process of filing FMLA/short-term leave, due to mental health, which has been significantly aggravated by my work & boss. My employer itself handles the short term leave paperwork/claim — it is not done a third-party vendor — and pays at 100% for 8 weeks.

My provider is filling out the medical certification, no problem there. BUT, I'm also required to fill out request for leave application myself — and I need to get my manager's signature on it, before sending it over to HR. Doesn't this defeat the purpose? I thought the whole point was I could keep it church & state — send completed paperwork to HR, and let my manager know the bare minimum, well because …he's toxic. My plan was to send all the completed paperwork to HR and then email my manager something along the lines of: “I've filed for medical leave from xx to xx…”

Requiring a manger signature to file the initial paperwork….seems problematic and maybe almost impossible in some circumstances?

Has anyone else navigated something like this?

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