
Work refuses to provide vegetarian options

My wife is a teacher and a vegetarian. They are in that period right now where teachers are reporting for meetings and planning before the kids start coming too. The school is providing lunch for them everyday but refuse to get anything vegetarian friendly. Yesterday it was cold cut subs, today it's veal parm. They know she's a vegetarian, she has made this clear to the administration. There is at least one other vegetarian on staff too. She knows they are just ordering food from a local supermarket so she asked if they could just request a small salad or something for her in the future and she gets told “no, it's too expensive” or “No, it's too late to change the order,” both of which reek of “we don't care and are not even going to bother to try.” This is infuriating. Why does she have to bring her…

My wife is a teacher and a vegetarian. They are in that period right now where teachers are reporting for meetings and planning before the kids start coming too. The school is providing lunch for them everyday but refuse to get anything vegetarian friendly. Yesterday it was cold cut subs, today it's veal parm. They know she's a vegetarian, she has made this clear to the administration. There is at least one other vegetarian on staff too. She knows they are just ordering food from a local supermarket so she asked if they could just request a small salad or something for her in the future and she gets told “no, it's too expensive” or “No, it's too late to change the order,” both of which reek of “we don't care and are not even going to bother to try.” This is infuriating. Why does she have to bring her own lunch every day because they can't respect her dietary restrictions?

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