
Views wanted on me not reassuring my manager where the office chair is going….

I currently work remotely a lot, back issues meant my large employer issued a chair to my home. I have 12yrs in this employer within 3 different departments. I have a good reputation with the employer but have had ongoing issues with my current manager. She is an excellent micromanager with a poor communication style & divide & conquer approach. With previous teams I was seen as direct, transparent, clear & good at my clinical role. I gave my notice (8weeks due to my level) in this department after finding a new job (mostly due to the remoteness of this job) and have arranged to drop off and have equipment picked up. My manager, alongside asking me to complete inappropriate tasks via email has been very insistent about knowing exactly where this chair going as she ordered it, to the point she is insinuating I won’t return it. I have…

I currently work remotely a lot, back issues meant my large employer issued a chair to my home. I have 12yrs in this employer within 3 different departments. I have a good reputation with the employer but have had ongoing issues with my current manager. She is an excellent micromanager with a poor communication style & divide & conquer approach.
With previous teams I was seen as direct, transparent, clear & good at my clinical role.

I gave my notice (8weeks due to my level) in this department after finding a new job (mostly due to the remoteness of this job) and have arranged to drop off and have equipment picked up.

My manager, alongside asking me to complete inappropriate tasks via email has been very insistent about knowing exactly where this chair going as she ordered it, to the point she is insinuating I won’t return it. I have assured her i have sorted it (there is a team that sorts all property/furniture/equipment that you get job numbers for etc) and will return it like i have all the other equipment (IT equipment & desk) but her petty emails have annoyed me so I have ignored her last two emails and haven’t clarified where this chair is going (its going to an office closest to my home where the department has offices)
I haven’t returned it (likewise my computer) yet as i have over a week left to work which she is aware of.

I put my out of office on explaining I was working to meet a deadline (study related & true) so I wouldn’t be looking at my emails, as I knew I would get another email.

She hasn’t told the wider department I’m leaving.

So; should I reply & give clear assurance & steps of where the chair is going & apologise for the ‘delay & oversight’ in me not getting back to her or just return the chair & leave her out the loop?

(My husband suggested I send her a link to a similar chair of sale online in response to her persistent emails (tempted!) but I’m aware he is biased by her whole approach to me and even though its funny its not professional/appropriate.)

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