
Husband’s Ex boss refusing to pay last check making false accusations.

My husband quit his job without notice yesterday. He turned in all company uniforms and company phone. He took a video of the undamaged phone right before he turned it in. His boss is now saying that not only is he only going to pay him minimum wage on his check(he makes more than minimum wage), but that he is also deducting money due to the company phone being damaged and any gas money he gave my husband over the last two weeks. The gas money was for my husband to use his personal vehicle to drive to another state while on a job. Is there anything we can do? We are in GA.

My husband quit his job without notice yesterday. He turned in all company uniforms and company phone. He took a video of the undamaged phone right before he turned it in. His boss is now saying that not only is he only going to pay him minimum wage on his check(he makes more than minimum wage), but that he is also deducting money due to the company phone being damaged and any gas money he gave my husband over the last two weeks. The gas money was for my husband to use his personal vehicle to drive to another state while on a job. Is there anything we can do? We are in GA.

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