
Started training for a WFH job.

30+ people in the training class, everyone is getting equipment and login info at different times etc. Half of us don’t have full access to the virtual meeting so we can’t see the important info posted in the group chat to be used in the simulations. Keep getting told to set up our laptops and troubleshoot on our breaks, which are unpaid of course. So, someone asked if we could just get 10 minutes when we get back from lunch to get everyone on the same page and let people set up their work laptops/accounts during the meeting while trainers are available to help so we’re not being asked to do it on our unpaid lunch. The answer was “no” and we’re “not technically working” so just do it during our lunch because “all you have to do is turn it on and let it sit for like 10 minutes”…

30+ people in the training class, everyone is getting equipment and login info at different times etc. Half of us don’t have full access to the virtual meeting so we can’t see the important info posted in the group chat to be used in the simulations.

Keep getting told to set up our laptops and troubleshoot on our breaks, which are unpaid of course. So, someone asked if we could just get 10 minutes when we get back from lunch to get everyone on the same page and let people set up their work laptops/accounts during the meeting while trainers are available to help so we’re not being asked to do it on our unpaid lunch. The answer was “no” and we’re “not technically working” so just do it during our lunch because “all you have to do is turn it on and let it sit for like 10 minutes” (not the case, we’re having to set everything up, gain access to certain accounts and software etc)

They’re already paying us shit wages and they can’t justify paying us to be on the clock getting the right access to everything but sure, let’s listen to our classmate Susan’s 20 minute recap on her entire work history and what she likes to do in her free time.

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