
Corporate Welfare is Socialism for the wealthy

The idea that the wealthiest families and individuals in the Uas are not spending on the government for their wealth is a lie. Large corporations seem to have a limitless “social safety net” like no other. The endless bailouts and even yearly subsidies means that US consumers are not getting the benefit of market competition. Low wages and over priced goods could hurt a company but if they are receiving subsidies and bailouts than the company does not need to correct bad practices. Here is a great resource to understand which corporations are receiving the most tax dollars. These biggest corporations use more government services and direct government handouts in 1 day than a whole family on benefits will in a lifetime. And most discussions of corporate welfare are referring to federal subsidies. States and local governments all have their own programs. For example, Pennsylvania has a subsidy budget of…

The idea that the wealthiest families and individuals in the Uas are not spending on the government for their wealth is a lie. Large corporations seem to have a limitless “social safety net” like no other. The endless bailouts and even yearly subsidies means that US consumers are not getting the benefit of market competition. Low wages and over priced goods could hurt a company but if they are receiving subsidies and bailouts than the company does not need to correct bad practices. Here is a great resource to understand which corporations are receiving the most tax dollars. These biggest corporations use more government services and direct government handouts in 1 day than a whole family on benefits will in a lifetime. And most discussions of corporate welfare are referring to federal subsidies. States and local governments all have their own programs. For example, Pennsylvania has a subsidy budget of almost $1 billion. I didnt include any state references.

Here are a couple resources to help you understand this issue:

Subsidy tracker. See where billions of dollars are getting funneled:

Read about some of the ways corporate welfare hurts you:

The following study refutes the myths of tax payer subsidized industries:

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