
Question: Does anyone really think anything significant is going to change and make things better?

I do see a lot of positive posts here, especially the ones about Unions and people getting better jobs. But it just doesn't feel like things are improving (I'm in the USA, Seattle area). Rents are continuing to increase, and where I live the homeless population is dramatically increasing, and most of them have jobs. They just can't afford housing. For example, a studio in a new development here starts at $2200/month. You'd have to make $80K a year just to meet their rental requirement. For a fucking studio. But instead of the city passing laws/ordinances or funding more programs to help them get into housing, they just had a meeting with the Police for them to increase enforcement of people parking at night and sleeping in their vehicles. And these people have jobs in the area, they aren't “useless bums”. Or is what I'm seeing the result of the…

I do see a lot of positive posts here, especially the ones about Unions and people getting better jobs.

But it just doesn't feel like things are improving (I'm in the USA, Seattle area). Rents are continuing to increase, and where I live the homeless population is dramatically increasing, and most of them have jobs. They just can't afford housing. For example, a studio in a new development here starts at $2200/month. You'd have to make $80K a year just to meet their rental requirement. For a fucking studio.

But instead of the city passing laws/ordinances or funding more programs to help them get into housing, they just had a meeting with the Police for them to increase enforcement of people parking at night and sleeping in their vehicles. And these people have jobs in the area, they aren't “useless bums”.

Or is what I'm seeing the result of the portion of our population that has little to no empathy towards others? Cause they seem to be in the majority right now (especially among the Police).

It feels like the few good things I read about are like drops of water in a bucket, and the bucket is the size of Lake Baikal.

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