
I quit after my first day.

So as the title says, I quit my job after the first day. The position for which I applied stated I would be working with insects in a laboratory setting and that was a job I was alright doing since I have 5 years of research experience under my belt. And I figured I could do this job until I found another one more suited to the caliber of my experience which includes a bachelors and masters in science. Well I came in to work on my first and discovered that I was a glorified Janitor assigned to the “dirty building”. Their words. I would be responsible for cleaning all the grime and shit at the facility and switch out sticky fly traps. I spent 8.5 hours on my feet just mopping, vacuuming, cleaning out pipes, throwing out the garbage and grime and you know the speech I got at…

So as the title says, I quit my job after the first day. The position for which I applied stated I would be working with insects in a laboratory setting and that was a job I was alright doing since I have 5 years of research experience under my belt. And I figured I could do this job until I found another one more suited to the caliber of my experience which includes a bachelors and masters in science.

Well I came in to work on my first and discovered that I was a glorified Janitor assigned to the “dirty building”. Their words. I would be responsible for cleaning all the grime and shit at the facility and switch out sticky fly traps. I spent 8.5 hours on my feet just mopping, vacuuming, cleaning out pipes, throwing out the garbage and grime and you know the speech I got at the end of the day? The classic “I like to think of this team as a household or family. Everyone is responsible for their own chores. Try not to ask any questions, because if I have to get involved in supervising you then you're not going to like it. I'm not going to be a happy go lucky supervisor.” This woman gave me an unprompted 20 minutes speech right before she handed me sticky traps to set out.

I knew this would be part of the job, but they described it as 20% of the job which made sense as working in a lab requires a level of clean up and sterilization. But they permanently assigned me to this position and the receptionist slipped up that I was originally supposed to be working in the research lab but they switched me last minute because the turnover rate in the dirty building is very high. Also the older gentleman who started at the same time as me was unable to do strenuous work so me being a young woman in my early 20s was a better fit..? This gentleman had never worked in a lab before, but somehow they're fine with training him and delegating me to working in the janitorial department. The real kicker is that they told me I could make upto $20 bucks an hour dependent on my experience, but offered me only $17 at the end which I took thinking it's just a temporary position as researcher. Nothing I haven't done before. The person who trained me was a new hire who had only been working there for 2 weeks and said she had a similar experience.

I came home and everyone I told was understandably outraged and encouraged me to quit. I took their advice. I will never apply to any position that is beneath my level of experience ever again and I will never let anyone be mistaken as to what my value is.

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