
School districts can switch you from your school site. And if you quit and it is after a certain calendar date, they can take your license – and they wonder why people leave the profession??

I’m a teacher. I have been for 8 years and I had (what I thought was) an amazing position that I love in a district. I’d like to add that I knew going into this job that they could move us around at their discretion (around the district). But I was promised all over town that my job would not move because I received the highest top scores on my observations, high praise, was good at my job, families loved me, and I was told that enrollment numbers were high. No worries, right? July 1st was the last day teachers in my district could resign without ramifications. I was told by admin last spring I would have a job at that site this year. Hours worked perfect too (I could put my kids on the bus in the morning before my day at school was due to start). Now our…

I’m a teacher. I have been for 8 years and I had (what I thought was) an amazing position that I love in a district. I’d like to add that I knew going into this job that they could move us around at their discretion (around the district). But I was promised all over town that my job would not move because I received the highest top scores on my observations, high praise, was good at my job, families loved me, and I was told that enrollment numbers were high. No worries, right?

July 1st was the last day teachers in my district could resign without ramifications. I was told by admin last spring I would have a job at that site this year. Hours worked perfect too (I could put my kids on the bus in the morning before my day at school was due to start). Now our numbers have dropped in this school (it’s online) and they can and probably will move one or more of us.

Our contract states we had to resign by the July 1st date. If we don’t, we can be moved. If we refuse, they can take our teaching license and we can’t ever teach again. I found out today I could potentially be moved when admin said they’d tell me over the summer if it was a possibility. I’m tied to this district for the next 9 months. Oh, and I don’t have childcare for before the school day starts, so my little kids have no one to watch them if it happens (which would be illegal).

How many jobs out there can do that? “Hi Mr. Smith. You don’t like corporate accounting? And you have a contract? I’ll take your license and you can never have an accounting job again!” (Or nursing. Or any other licensed type of job).

It’s ridiculous. And they wonder why we leave the field and no one can hire teachers anymore.

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