
is it even possible to find a job that doesn’t make me want to die?

Seriously. I've never enjoyed any job I've had. I'm so fed up, but I need money obviously. I'm exhausted but made to feel like I'm being a baby. 3am start, 6pm finish, do it all over again. Finally get a weekend and the stupid in laws plan something I'm required to go to. I threw up today due to being overheated (none of my coworkers seem to have this problem). I'm starting to feel like I'm just not cut out for anything. I'm not smart enough for half the jobs, and not physically capable enough for the other half. I never get raises or promotions no matter how hard I work. I'm so worn out 🙁

Seriously. I've never enjoyed any job I've had. I'm so fed up, but I need money obviously. I'm exhausted but made to feel like I'm being a baby. 3am start, 6pm finish, do it all over again. Finally get a weekend and the stupid in laws plan something I'm required to go to. I threw up today due to being overheated (none of my coworkers seem to have this problem). I'm starting to feel like I'm just not cut out for anything. I'm not smart enough for half the jobs, and not physically capable enough for the other half. I never get raises or promotions no matter how hard I work. I'm so worn out 🙁

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