
My manager has called me into work on every single one of my days off this week

I’m a brand ambassador so I get it’s important to have someone at the location everyday, but I’m just so tired. I was supposed to have Monday and today (Wednesday) off, but she has called me in for both days and it’s really frustrating. Monday was because apparently my coworker was feeling under the weather and couldn’t come in. I had lied and said I had a doctors appointment of my own so I couldn’t stay for the whole shift but I could come in late, because the shift was 10am-8:30pm and I was not down to come in the the entire shift. What bugged me most about that was there was this one day I was sick and throwing up and tried to all off work and I was told to still show up. So I guess when I’m sick it doesn’t matter but when others are I have…

I’m a brand ambassador so I get it’s important to have someone at the location everyday, but I’m just so tired. I was supposed to have Monday and today (Wednesday) off, but she has called me in for both days and it’s really frustrating. Monday was because apparently my coworker was feeling under the weather and couldn’t come in. I had lied and said I had a doctors appointment of my own so I couldn’t stay for the whole shift but I could come in late, because the shift was 10am-8:30pm and I was not down to come in the the entire shift. What bugged me most about that was there was this one day I was sick and throwing up and tried to all off work and I was told to still show up. So I guess when I’m sick it doesn’t matter but when others are I have to cover for them. My manager calls me again last night saying it’s urgent and she needs me to come in tomorrow (today) for another 10-8:30 because coworker now has a family emergency. I reluctantly said yes, because I am going out of town next week for a funeral and I won’t be working for five days so I figured I could make the extra cash, but honestly I’m so exhausted because my Tuesday and Thursday shifts are also 10-8:30. Friday I have off, and I also have a date planned, so if I get called in I will absolutely say no, but I’m very frustrated with how it’s now solely on me to cover for my coworkers when we have an entire team. This isn’t the first time she’s called me in to cover absolutely anyones shift and I’m just over it. I’m over this job in general. I have a few interviews coming up so I will gladly be leaving soon.

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