
I got paid out and let go yesterday (8/30/2022) after working less than 20 hours.

I was hired last week as a pharmacy technician for an independent pharmacy in the Philadelphia suburbs. Had a brief working interview and was told everything looked good, so they offered me a position and had me on the schedule all week this week, for 35 hours. Worked two days and was let go after my shift yesterday, apparently because they “had an opportunity” to hire someone who was “more familiar with the software” whom they could “plug right in”. They had me right there and thought I wasn't good enough after only two days. Who can be expected to master new software in a new work environment after only two days? Most states require certified pharmacy techs (PA doesn't, but certified techs generally make more money), but if they felt threatened by the fact that I have a degree (AA in healthcare studies) beyond my certification and were afraid…

I was hired last week as a pharmacy technician for an independent pharmacy in the Philadelphia suburbs. Had a brief working interview and was told everything looked good, so they offered me a position and had me on the schedule all week this week, for 35 hours. Worked two days and was let go after my shift yesterday, apparently because they “had an opportunity” to hire someone who was “more familiar with the software” whom they could “plug right in”. They had me right there and thought I wasn't good enough after only two days. Who can be expected to master new software in a new work environment after only two days?

Most states require certified pharmacy techs (PA doesn't, but certified techs generally make more money), but if they felt threatened by the fact that I have a degree (AA in healthcare studies) beyond my certification and were afraid I'd make them look bad by doing my job poorly after letting them talk me down for money (I opened with $18 an hour and they countered with $16 because apparently “$18 an hour is a lot for a pharmacy tech to start”, but it's really not and especially if you're certified) they should have said so. I barely had time to get used to things when they pulled the rug out from under my feet. They even paid me out in cash so there was no paper trail.

Ah well. Back to CVS, I guess.

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