
Refused a mental health day

After countless meetings how mental health is important , I was denied. I was in an absolute state yesterday after over working the week before and no sleep because we got a puppy (I mean my bf and I). I’ve taken exactly 2 days off this whole year, once in April when I had covid (only 1 day since my boss actually doesn’t believe covid is real), and once when I was just fucking sick. I asked if I could please take a half day since I’ve worked several 12 hr days last week (I’m on salary) and was told “not with pay and only after a form has been submitted a week prior and approved by all departments not to be a hinderance.” I am in marketing working in const. This HR jackass has listened to me be verbally harassed and threatened, his EXACT words were “you handled it…

After countless meetings how mental health is important , I was denied. I was in an absolute state yesterday after over working the week before and no sleep because we got a puppy (I mean my bf and I).

I’ve taken exactly 2 days off this whole year, once in April when I had covid (only 1 day since my boss actually doesn’t believe covid is real), and once when I was just fucking sick. I asked if I could please take a half day since I’ve worked several 12 hr days last week (I’m on salary) and was told “not with pay and only after a form has been submitted a week prior and approved by all departments not to be a hinderance.” I am in marketing working in const.

This HR jackass has listened to me be verbally harassed and threatened, his EXACT words were “you handled it well, you asked him to stop.” The threat? The one manager threatened to slam my head into a door! Why? Because I disagreed with him and said I wouldn’t respond to a client as he demanded until I had approval from our boss.

So anyways, I’m not allowed time off so I’m using my time now to look for a new job and pad my resume.

Looking for unique and fun ways to fuck over management.

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