
Help me verbalize what’s wrong with this

So my dads pretty economically right wing (he listens to ticker Carlson daily and when we were in a bookstore he saw a copy of Atlas Shrugged and said “amazing book, you should definitely read” and I told him I’d practice speed sword swallowing but thank you for the recommendation. This morning he sent me something from an unknown source (I’m assuming it was a comment on a newspaper) (he didn’t type this, he doesn’t talk like this at all) and I felt my IQ drop by about 20 points or so. I feel like I kind of know why what this person said is wrong and stupid and various fundamental levels but I can’t quite put it into words. Copy pasted the text below: “This is what you get when you decide on a VP based on the level of melanin in the skin and type of genetalia (ie…

So my dads pretty economically right wing (he listens to ticker Carlson daily and when we were in a bookstore he saw a copy of Atlas Shrugged and said “amazing book, you should definitely read” and I told him I’d practice speed sword swallowing but thank you for the recommendation. This morning he sent me something from an unknown source (I’m assuming it was a comment on a newspaper) (he didn’t type this, he doesn’t talk like this at all) and I felt my IQ drop by about 20 points or so. I feel like I kind of know why what this person said is wrong and stupid and various fundamental levels but I can’t quite put it into words. Copy pasted the text below:

“This is what you get when you decide on a VP based on the level of melanin in the skin and type of genetalia (ie Biden promised to pick a Black Woman, but, apparently had no other criteria, like, say, a functional intellect)

Kamala Harris is an idiot. This statement needs no elucidation. It verges on self-evident truth.
The most recent illustration:

KAMALA HARRIS: “Equity as a concept says recognize that everyone has the same capacity, but in order for them to have equal opportunity to reach that capacity, well, we must pay attention to this issue of equity.”

2:51 PM · Aug 12,
Note Kamala’s characteristic redundancy and circularity.
But I have to extend my deepest thanks to Kamala. Before reading that, I didn’t know that my failed NBA dreams were the result of hidden structures of oppression. For if we all have the same capacity, I have the same capacity as, say, Michael Jordan. Meaning that systemic oppression has to be–has to be!–the only reason I am not the GOAT.
My only question no is: whom do I sue?
Sarcasm aside, I am genuinely grateful to Kamala because she said the quiet part out loud, and revealed the premise underlying the entire equity agenda. Namely, that “everyone has the same capacity.”
This is a self-evident untruth. Thus, the equity agenda is built on a lie, and all its assertions and conclusions are therefore false. Kamala has generously put the laser designator on the target that we need to destroy in order to eliminate this pernicious doctrine.
Most philosophies and social theories are built on beliefs about human nature. Arguments over Locke and Hobbes, for example, depend crucially on their contrasting assumptions about human nature. You may disagree with the human nature foundations of this philosophy or theory or that, but usually there is at least a kernel of truth and insight in those that have achieved wide acceptance and which have endured.
But that’s not the case with equity, as revealed by Kamala Harris. It is built on an obviously false model of humanity.
Most clever leftists who advocate the equity agenda obfuscate and obscure the underlying assumption. Kamala is a leftist, but a dim one, so she let the cat out of the bag. And for that we can all extend our hearty thanks”

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