
I encountered one of David Graber’s “Bullshit Jobs” in the wild

I was at a networking event recently where people could bring projects they're working on. There was a woman, maybe late 30s/early 40s, who was working on homework from a web design class. I had taken a similar course, so I asked her about it. She said she WAS a corporate lawyer. I asked “Was?” She said she was a lawyer for a corporation for a decade, and then decided to quit and go back to school to learn web design. I assume lawyers, even corporate ones, make great money. Depending on the company it can also be incredibly secure. It also takes a lot of schooling and brains to become a lawyer (I've known some people who went to law school, it's no joke). But nope. She just quit out of the blue with no backup plan and decided to study web design. I've done web design before and…

I was at a networking event recently where people could bring projects they're working on. There was a woman, maybe late 30s/early 40s, who was working on homework from a web design class.

I had taken a similar course, so I asked her about it. She said she WAS a corporate lawyer. I asked “Was?” She said she was a lawyer for a corporation for a decade, and then decided to quit and go back to school to learn web design.

I assume lawyers, even corporate ones, make great money. Depending on the company it can also be incredibly secure. It also takes a lot of schooling and brains to become a lawyer (I've known some people who went to law school, it's no joke).

But nope. She just quit out of the blue with no backup plan and decided to study web design. I've done web design before and it was boring as hell. I can't imagine how unfulfilling corporate law is if this is the safe option.

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