
I hate how recreation is considered a waste of time

Like sorry why would stacking boxes for 8 hours a day be any less of a waste of time? Sorry I would rather play halo than be at the most depressing retail hellscape ever created. I just got done with 8 days straight and all I want to do is eat edibles and watch YouTube. Why do I feel so guilty about that? How is my enjoyment for my sanity any more of a waste of time than spending the day at work? Either way I end up in the same bed at night. At least I enjoyed my gaming. I started working 6am shifts and got off early and I’ve been happier since then. But now I’m back to 10-6 or whatever and I’m always trying to cram as much into 3 hours before I start preparing for bed. Its a night and day difference. Now it’s my 1…

Like sorry why would stacking boxes for 8 hours a day be any less of a waste of time? Sorry I would rather play halo than be at the most depressing retail hellscape ever created. I just got done with 8 days straight and all I want to do is eat edibles and watch YouTube. Why do I feel so guilty about that? How is my enjoyment for my sanity any more of a waste of time than spending the day at work? Either way I end up in the same bed at night. At least I enjoyed my gaming. I started working 6am shifts and got off early and I’ve been happier since then. But now I’m back to 10-6 or whatever and I’m always trying to cram as much into 3 hours before I start preparing for bed. Its a night and day difference. Now it’s my 1 day off and perfect day to sit on the porch soaking up the sun. I’m gonna do that and try not to think about tomorrow.

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