
When did it become so hard to make ends meet

I work full time and I’m a full time college student. My job has great benefits but it’s also a non profit so the pays not the highest. It’s also working with school age children, and jobs that work with children just don’t pay that great. I love my job and I get PTO, sick pay, insurance paid 30/70 and life insurance I don’t pay towards. They completely cover it if I die. They also pay part of my college tuition. These benefits are why I haven’t left yet even though I only make $15 an hour. Well I’m having a baby and my SO and I have to both go back to work after our maternity leaves end. But child care cost are just so outrageous that everything I’ll be making will go straight to having someone watch the baby just so we can both work. It’s ridiculous. $200…

I work full time and I’m a full time college student. My job has great benefits but it’s also a non profit so the pays not the highest. It’s also working with school age children, and jobs that work with children just don’t pay that great. I love my job and I get PTO, sick pay, insurance paid 30/70 and life insurance I don’t pay towards. They completely cover it if I die. They also pay part of my college tuition. These benefits are why I haven’t left yet even though I only make $15 an hour.
Well I’m having a baby and my SO and I have to both go back to work after our maternity leaves end. But child care cost are just so outrageous that everything I’ll be making will go straight to having someone watch the baby just so we can both work. It’s ridiculous. $200 to $300 a week. Like who has that kind of money.

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