
“No one wants to work” but finding a job is next to impossible

I've been applying to jobs for months. I've gotten a few interviews and even made it to the third round a few times. But no one wants me. I graduated right into COVID in December of 2019. My internship got cancelled and was never reinstated. The job I did get ended up being a scam, so I started doing stuff for the military. Then I found out I was deploying so there was no point in getting a job when I was going to be gone for a year. A week before deployment I found out I wasn't going. Scrambled to get something and now I hate the job I'm at. But because I don't have enough experience, no one wants me. So I don't wanna hear that I don't want to work. I do! Just not at a place I'm miserable at or for somewhere with ridiculous entry-level expectations.…

I've been applying to jobs for months. I've gotten a few interviews and even made it to the third round a few times. But no one wants me.

I graduated right into COVID in December of 2019. My internship got cancelled and was never reinstated. The job I did get ended up being a scam, so I started doing stuff for the military. Then I found out I was deploying so there was no point in getting a job when I was going to be gone for a year.

A week before deployment I found out I wasn't going. Scrambled to get something and now I hate the job I'm at. But because I don't have enough experience, no one wants me.

So I don't wanna hear that I don't want to work. I do! Just not at a place I'm miserable at or for somewhere with ridiculous entry-level expectations. It's not my fault the pandemic and military screwed everything up for me.

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