
For those against Quiet Quitting.

I've heard the argument that you should be grateful for the the job or the opportunity. You show that gratitude by putting in 110% percent and staying an extra ten minutes or coming in early to get ready before your shift starts. Here are my two questions. 1) gratitude goes both ways. You're paying me because you either can't do the work yourself or you simply do not want to. Yet you expect the gratitude to only come from the worker? Let me ask you this. What kind of toilet paper you have at the washroom? Do you try to give raises above and beyond the minimum you HAVE to give? Do you give your employees an extra week paid vacation above the mandatory minimum? Do you give your employees a few paid sick days a year? If you answer no to these. You should show a little more gratitude…

I've heard the argument that you should be grateful for the the job or the opportunity. You show that gratitude by putting in 110% percent and staying an extra ten minutes or coming in early to get ready before your shift starts.

Here are my two questions.

1) gratitude goes both ways. You're paying me because you either can't do the work yourself or you simply do not want to.
Yet you expect the gratitude to only come from the worker?
Let me ask you this.
What kind of toilet paper you have at the washroom?
Do you try to give raises above and beyond the minimum you HAVE to give?
Do you give your employees an extra week paid vacation above the mandatory minimum?
Do you give your employees a few paid sick days a year?

If you answer no to these. You should show a little more gratitude to the people who pay your bills with their skills, knowledge and labour.

2) we have a contract. You owe me money, I owe you a product or work done. We agreed to the terms before either of us committed. So stay in line with you side and I'll stay in line with my side. Plain and simple.

In my case I'm a trained professional my employer literally cannot do my job as a result of numerous people with my skill and knowledge you make a lot of money. Maybe you should be grateful?

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