
Pretty sure my roommates boss gave her a bad review so she couldnt quit

Boss of my roommate was used as a reference for a new job. Her interview went amazing and they seemed really happy with her and then suddenly the job was posted again. After this she applies to the gas station down the street who is friends with the other business and the manager calls her manager to tell him what he saw. He flipped out on her and was like so and so quit we need you here why were u trying to leave blah blah blah. Roommate thinks he sabotaged her. Is there anything she can do? Is talking to the other employer to save face even a thing. Can she get her manager in trouble if she gets proof? We are in canada

Boss of my roommate was used as a reference for a new job. Her interview went amazing and they seemed really happy with her and then suddenly the job was posted again. After this she applies to the gas station down the street who is friends with the other business and the manager calls her manager to tell him what he saw. He flipped out on her and was like so and so quit we need you here why were u trying to leave blah blah blah.

Roommate thinks he sabotaged her. Is there anything she can do? Is talking to the other employer to save face even a thing. Can she get her manager in trouble if she gets proof?

We are in canada

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