
Two software development jobs

I am a software developer with two software development jobs currently. I am a thirld world contractor but both jobs expect me to work full time. I am very well paid considering where I live (a poor latin american country) at around 5000 and 5500 usd monthly for each job respectively. The only reason I got a second job was because I had “quietly quit” my first job and was doing the bare minimum without getting fired and realised I had so much free time I could probably get a second job. Also got back with my ex and suddenly I need much more money than when I was single lel. Anyways. Noone at either job knows and if they did they would probably find what I do immoral. I am officially a contractor and don't really feel bad about it as according to the US atleast as a contractor…

I am a software developer with two software development jobs currently. I am a thirld world contractor but both jobs expect me to work full time. I am very well paid considering where I live (a poor latin american country) at around 5000 and 5500 usd monthly for each job respectively.
The only reason I got a second job was because I had “quietly quit” my first job and was doing the bare minimum without getting fired and realised I had so much free time I could probably get a second job. Also got back with my ex and suddenly I need much more money than when I was single lel.

Anyways. Noone at either job knows and if they did they would probably find what I do immoral. I am officially a contractor and don't really feel bad about it as according to the US atleast as a contractor I can and should have multiple clients.

One of the jobs I have is for a huge very well known global corporation. The other is a smaller medium sized company.

Anyways wanted to hear your thoughts as in this thread we discuss lots of exploitation when it comes to employers towards workers but not the other way around. I do feel like I am exploiting my employers in a sense.

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