
Underpaid Workers = Bad Service

Last week I helped my sister move apartments. She used a moving company, and for $750 she hired 3 workers for 3 hours. The start time was between 8-9. At 830 they called my brother in-law. Due to the loading dock not being prepared they started at 9. It took them 15 minutes to ride up the elevator. We had moved all the boxes to the elevator to speed the process. I noticed only two workers. I was told the other guy never showed up. Fast forward, they moved only 20% of the stuff, broke 3 pieces of furniture and left the boxes on the loading dock of the new apartment and the hallway of the old apartment. They refused to work past 11 even though 3 hours would have been 11:30 One of the workers stayed behind and my sister was thankful he stayed with me to help. She…

Last week I helped my sister move apartments. She used a moving company, and for $750 she hired 3 workers for 3 hours. The start time was between 8-9. At 830 they called my brother in-law. Due to the loading dock not being prepared they started at 9. It took them 15 minutes to ride up the elevator. We had moved all the boxes to the elevator to speed the process. I noticed only two workers. I was told the other guy never showed up. Fast forward, they moved only 20% of the stuff, broke 3 pieces of furniture and left the boxes on the loading dock of the new apartment and the hallway of the old apartment. They refused to work past 11 even though 3 hours would have been 11:30

One of the workers stayed behind and my sister was thankful he stayed with me to help. She cash-apped him some money and he looked surprised. I thought my sister underpaid and I told him I’m sorry and I will go to the ATM right away. He said no the opposite. She sent him $250. I asked how much does the company pay him. He said $20 an hour. So the workers cost $180 and the company pockets $570. I asked him what happened to the 3rd worker. He told me they got there at 8, which is why the other guy left at 11 and the 3rd guy was fighting with the company because the cost to park at the site is $30 and they told him to pay it and they would put it in his next check (which would be taxed). This guy works for $60 a day and the want him to pay$30 for parking. I’m guessing he just didn’t have it. The other guy felt pissed that he was doing work for 1.5 people with no extra money so he slowed down the work. I really felt bad for the guys. We charged back the moving company. We will be sure to send extra to the guy that stayed. (And the other guy if we can find his contact)

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